Helen Brough

Dr Helen Brough is a consultant in paediatric allergy, and is head of service for the largest children’s allergy service in the UK, at Evelina London Children’s Hospital. She is also certified by the European Academy of Allergology and Clinical Immunology (EAACI) as a European paediatric allergist, a title that only 15 other doctors hold in the UK.
In her NHS service, Helen runs general allergy clinics, the joint specialist allergy/ respiratory service, with consultant respiratory paediatricians and ran the joint specialist allergy/ gastroenterology service with consultant paediatric gastroenterologists. She set up community children’s allergy services, and an allergy transition service for teenagers, to empower them to better manage their allergies. She was awarded ‘Health Professional of the Year’ runner up in 2010 by Coeliac UK.
Helen is leading the multicentre European Pronuts study and co-authored the LEAP (Learning Early About Peanut) study. She has published a textbook on paediatrics, published original research on the way children become allergic to peanut and new biomarkers for peanut allergy. She was awarded the BSACI Barry Kay Award, for research in paediatric allergy, in 2013.
Helen regularly presents research, and the latest developments in allergy, at national and international seminars and conventions. She’s an honorary senior lecturer at King’s College London.
